Wren’s Nest After School Care

Wrens Nest is held at Shenstone Village Hall.

There are full time/part time or one off occasions available to Greysbrooke Primary School children aged 4-11 years until 6.00pm each evening.

Varied snacks are included and all dietary needs are catered for.

Every session we provide a wide variety of age appropriate, imaginative and creative play activities and we have safe access to the outdoor play area where children are supervised by staff members at all times, who are all qualified and DBS checked.

Hi-Vis Vests are worn by both staff and children on the journey from school and whilst on the park area.


                                                 For further information please contact

                                                 Jenni Ollerenshaw on 077191 69410

                                            Email: jenni17@hotmail.co.uk